Laboratory Fume Hoods

Adequate ventilation and removal of chemical fumes is mandatory to assure laboratory safety for both laboratory and non-laboratory personnel. Hawkins Scientific lab hoods accommodate your requirements of size, service, and environment—guaranteeing chemical exhaust hoods that meet all of your needs.
We offer fume hoods for a variety of applications:
- ADA Fume Hood: designed to provide a safe and comfortable work area for a wheelchair bound person.
- Air Flow By-pass Fume Hood: used to reduce the turbulence of airflow to improve efficiency
- Canopy Fume Hood: to exhaust only heat, water vapor, and odors for noncritical use
- Demonstration Fume Hood: used for education or training-these hoods have 360° of visibility
- High Performance Fume Hoods: save money by reducing the volume of air needing to be conditioned and exhausted
- Low Bench Fume Hood: their low bench structure allows for large equipment ventilation
- Perchloric Acid Chemical Fume Hood: Chemical Fume Hoods designed specifically to exhaust this highly corrosive chemical
- Portable Fume Hood: mobile design allows the unit to wheel into a working position and back to storage location, as needed
- Radio Isotope Fume Hood: used for one purpose only–handling radioactive materials to isolate radiation
- Thin Wall Fume Hoods: provide a low cost means of exhausting high heat loads and nonhazardous fumes
- Variable Air Volume (VAV) Fume Hoods: adjust air volume to maintain a constant low velocity
- Walk-in Fume Hoods: just like they sound–large enough to move large equipment inside
Standard sizes are: 4', 5', 6', 7', and 8'. Custom sizes are available, as requested.
Standard lab hoods liner is a white resin chemical fume head material, suitable for most chemical work. Other liners may be specified depending on your air flow requirements, .
Optional sash types include:
- Vertical Rising sash
- Horizontal/Vertical Rising sash
- Post less Double Vertical Rising sash
- Horizontal sash
Fume Extraction Systems built safely—to meet all your requirements!
Hawkins is proud to offer complete fume extraction systems including: ducting, fume hood exhaust fans, filters, support structures, work surfaces, scrubbers and other accessories.
- Ventilated Instrument Enclosures
- Bio Safety Cabinets
- Spray Booths
Proper specifications for fume extraction systems are an extremely complex issue; special expertise is necessary to ensure you have a successful operation. In addition, there are countless guidelines, regulations and standards which define operating conditions. With over 26 years of experience in laboratory design and engineering across the US, Hawkins Scientific supplies the professionals you can rely on to ensure your laboratory ventilation system meets all the requirements. We are happy to meet with you to analyze your particular needs.
Once installed, testing and certification services are available.
Proper Laboratory ventilation is one of the most important issues for any laboratory. Contact us with the confidence that you’ve made the right extraction choice.